Monday, October 5, 2009

13. The Flaming Lips - Silver Trembling Hands (2009)

The new Flaming Lips album Embryonic isn't so much a return to form as an almost complete change in the sound they've perfected for the past decade. Seemingly gone are the happy sounds that dominated the past few records, replaced by songs that sound as if they're being shouted up from some dark hole in the ground. While it may sound strange, it works better than just about anything I've heard all year, or in the past few years. The Lips have been one of the best bands going for several decades now, and it's amazing how they've re-invented themselves this late in the game. This song, one of the final tracks on the soon to be released double album, is currently my favorite, as the chorus breakdown is just incredible. As great as every song is, however, I'm sure my favorite will be changing almost daily.

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