Friday, November 20, 2009

My 25 Favorite Artists of the 2000s - #14

#14 - Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear are another of those bands, like Fleet Foxes, that I can see dominating a list like this in another 10 years. There are also some strong similarities among the two, as they both use a heavy dose of gorgeous melodies, coupled with a strong folk music influence. Grizzly Bear, however, uses more lush instrumentation that lead to some of the greatest songs of the decade. When the band's Yellow House album was released in 2006 I knew they had the potential to be something great, but it wasn't until 2009's Veckatimest that the potential was fully realized. It was clearly one of my favorite records of the decade, and one that will be hard to top in the future, even though I can clearly see the band doing just that within the next few years.

My Favorite Albums:
1. Veckatimest (2009)
2. Yellow House (2006)
3. Horn of Plenty (2004)

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