Monday, November 30, 2009

My 25 Favorite Artists of the 2000s - #1

#1 - Radiohead

Of course, if you know me this shouldn't come as any surprise at all. However, this pick wasn't made solely on the fact that Radiohead is my favorite band in the world. They were also easily the most consistently great band of the decade, and spent the last 10 years showing just how capable of greatness they really are. When OK Computer was released in 1997, many felt that it was clearly a peak for the band, and that they after conquering the musical universe, the only way they could go was down. When Kid A came out in 2000, however, Thom Yorke and company showed that there would be no let down, and this album was one of the greatest re-workings of a band's sound in music history. Instead of the Pink Floyd and David Bowie references of the previous album, Kid A went deep into the electronic world, bringing to light a whole new set of artists who had previously been under-appreciated, such as Boards of Canada and Aphex Twin. Throughout the remainder of the decade, Radiohead would go on to incorporate the rock elements of their past with their newfound mastery of the electronic sound, creating three more of the greatest albums of the decade. The 1990's set Radiohead apart as something great, but the 2000's cemented their legacy as one of the most creative, brilliant artists in the history of recorded music.

My Favorite Albums:
1. Kid A (2000)
2. In Rainbows (2007)
3. Amnesiac (2001)
4. Hail to the Thief (2003)

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